How To See More Deer While Hunting?

by | May 15, 2019

While you’re out hunting, it is crucial that you actually hunt something. Deer Hunting is probably the most popular game sports out there and hunters are always trying to outdo each other when it comes to it. There are some crucial techniques that you need, to spot an area where there is abundant deer to hunt. Let’s see the ways and the actual science behind the theory of how to see more deer while hunting.

how to see more deer while hunting

3 Best Hunting Bows For Deer

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How To See More Deer While Hunting?

Pinpointing the exact method to hunt deer is kind of impossible. So, what we’ve done here is given you some heads up on the deer sighting. They’re listed below:

  1. The first thing that you want to do while you’re hunting dear is that you need to scout the area before the hunting season. You need to think like a deer. Examine the feeding, drinking and mating areas. Observe the time and place of these activities. When you collect enough evidence on their whereabouts, you can then devise a strategy that lets you go into areas having more deer.
  2. The best place to find deer is actually not the woods but fields. Particularly fields which have corn, soybeans, and fruits. During the harvest time, you can see a lot of deer around these areas. The major feeding pattern of the deer also includes stuff such as grass, leaves, stems, shoots, herbs, fruits, corn, etc. If you can find these areas in your hunting location, chances are you’ll find deer there too.
  3. Follow the feeding trial. There are plenty of patterns to look into and recognizing a deer from this pattern is quite easy. Find intersecting trails and you’ll get a good idea of where the deer are.
  4. If your hunting location is situated on a very cold climate, you won’t find the deer on open fields. Because of the weather, the deer will probably escape the cold winds and go to the thick woods. They might go to a water source and this knowledge can increase your deer sightings significantly.

Deer in Field


But Remember…

  1. Deers are experts in marking territories by scraping trees with antlers. Look for this sign, if you stumble into these then you might want to search this area.
  2. Avoid crowds. Find a spot deep in the land. 200-300 yards from the access road is the best place to go into. You work will be in vain if you go into a crowded place and look for a deer.
  3. The final thing is that you need to have patience. Deer hunting can be tiresome. You need to explore the wildlands, devise a strategy and most importantly, wait.


Does More Deer Mean More Hunting?

Well, it seems pretty logical, doesn’t it? When you have plenty of deer, chances are you’d catch plenty of deer. This, however, is not always the case. When there is a crowd, it is actually very difficult to catch a deer. There are a lot of skillsets required to be a pro deer hunter. Simply having a large number of deer to hunt isn’t something that equates to a successful hunt. You also need to have maximum concealment. If there are more deer, your chances of being seen increases. If you’re seen there with a gun or a bow, the deer will be alerted and your chances will actually decrease. Hunting requires you to stalk your prey and stalking is easier when there are few targets to stalk.

There are a lot of cautions to take while hunting a deer. If you don’t follow these, your hunting endeavors might not be that successful.

  1. The most important caution that you should take prior to your hunt is that you hunt deer in a proper place. There are many places such as national parks where deer hunting is strictly prohibited. You can face a really hefty punishment in such places. On the other hand, there are wildlife reserves where they allow hunting a certain number of deer per day. Hunt your deer legally.
  2. Be very quiet. Deer have an excellent hearing. They can even detect your movements from a quarter mile away. So, keep some distance. Don’t be very impatient. Walk carefully and wear flat boots that don’t make much sound.

deer in jungle


Gears You Will Need For Deer Hunting

There are gears that you need prior to your hunt, during the hunt and after the hunt. let us see what these are and how they’re so important.


Before the Hunt

The actual action is preparation. Before any hunt, you need to have a couple of things ready. First of all, get your hunting license, equip your gun with a scope, or get a bow with sight. get your driving license for identification and wear scent reduced clothing just in case.


During the Hunt

Your standard hunting gear is required during the hunt. Get your clothes, boots, rifle or bow, ammo, and backpack. You can make use of scent attractant and scent reducers to your advantage. Also, get warm clothes and other camping items as well. Dry towel, batteries, cell phones, food, water, etc. are all the extra things that you might need.


After the Hunt

After the hunt, you’d need some items like processing knives, markers and gutter gloves to enjoy the feast. These items although aren’t that necessary in the hunting area itself. They are important for the post-processing of your hunt.


Tips For Deer Hunting

  1. Take a shower with a soap having zero scents. Do not contaminate your hunting clothes and wear scent reduced clothing if you must.
  2. You can use deer attractant or bait to maximize the hunting process. The market has all kinds of baits such as deer feed, deer urine, deer feeders and more. These will help you attract deer for easy takedowns.
  3. Bows are better than guns. Why? because guns make sound and if there is a herd of deer to hunt, you might only kill one of those. The others will simply be alerted. Using a bow with the tip of the arrow tranquilized will really be helpful to you.
  4. Be familiar with the surrounding, knowing where all the water spots, vantage points, and grazing fields are will definitely help you to hunt deer properly.
  5. Don’t be seen. Camouflage is your best friend here. You don’t want to be seen by a herd. Conceal your presence.


Final Words

Deer hunting is a fun activity. So, have fun. Don’t worry about the number of deer you kill. You’ll eventually get better. Spotting a deer is all about knowing the way to look. Once you know how to see more deer while hunting, you need to look at all the places that have the maximum chances of spotting deer. Being familiar with the location and deer antics is always a bonus. When the actual hunting is concerned, there are a lot of precautions to take like hunting legally and being quiet. The gears are also necessary. Having the correct gear will definitely be a plus point. Also, don’t forget all the things you might need prior to your hunt. You can follow some tips too, using a bow and being an expert in camouflage techniques can be helpful as well. The main thing that you need to keep in mind, however, is being patient. Patience is a virtue, my friend, the more you wait, the more you see. And that we can guarantee that.