Can A Hunting Rangefinder Work For Golf?

by | Jan 20, 2019

A rangefinder is a device that can be used to estimate the distance of an object. Rangefinders are typically used with a camera or a gun. Rangefinders have a lot of importance in the hunting scene. They’re also used while golfing. Today we’re going to see that will a hunting rangefinder work for golf needs. Before answering the question, let us first see the necessity of a rangefinder in both the activities and compare both types of rangefinders.

Some of The Best Hunting Rangefinders For You

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Why Do You Need Rangefinder In Golf & Hunting?

In golf, a rangefinder is actually a replacement for a yardage book. They offer a very clear picture of slopes, distances, and various other things. This is mainly because of a range finder’s improved features.

Since golf is played in a slow way, it becomes difficult to judge the distance of a shot. This is where a rangefinder comes in. The rangefinder can also help you increase your speed as golf can be a bit slow. It is said that you can save almost 30 minutes with a good rangefinder. It may also depend on the accuracy of a rangefinder. Most of them do work though.

In hunting, a rangefinder is important because it helps you find your prey in a short amount of time. Also, rangefinder can also be helpful if you want to find directions and shoot your target with a gun. It just makes the whole hunting process easier.

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Hunting Rangefinder vs Golf Rangefinder

There are some significant differences between a hunting rangefinder and a golf rangefinder.


Target and Distant Modes

The targeting and distant modes are pretty different in both cases. Golfers generally need a first target mode that helps them detect objects which are nearby like flag or pin. Hunting rangefinders, on the other hand, are great at a close object detection. When it comes to hunting, the distant target mode is important. Modern rangefinders also come with toggles with both the first target and distant target modes under their belt.



When it comes to accurate detection, golfing rangefinders detect the object quickly. As far as precision goes, hunting rangefinders are more accurate. This, however, serves the purpose.


Strength of Magnification

As far as the total strength of magnification is concerned, hunting rangefinders have more of it. Golfers need the distance of the next hole that they’re aiming. For bowhunters, 400 yards rangefinders are kind of okay. Switch to rifle hunting and you might want to get a rifle that scopes into 1000-1500 yard ranges.

These are some basic differences between golf and hunting rangefinders. You can choose the one suitable for you. Generally, people prefer a high functioning rangefinder to fulfill both the functions.


Similarities Between Hunting Rangefinder & Golf Rangefinder

There are a lot of similarities between a hunting rangefinder and a golf rangefinder as well. These similarities can broadly be in different sectors. They’re explained below.



USGA Compliant, compact, laser range finder,

Both Hunting and Golf Rangefinder are available at a wide range of types. There are plenty of companies that can make good rangefinders with an impeccable build and an affordable price.



Both Hunting and golf rangefinders come with complementing features. These features include things such as Quality, Price, Magnification, Range etc.



Both Hunting and Golf rangefinder are used for similar purpose i.e, to find a range. Slight differences may be there but the core working of both the devices are the same.


Will Hunting Rangefinder Work For Golf?

The answer to this question can be really vague. In hindsight, it should work. There are can be slight drawbacks, however.

  1. Golf rangefinders have a pin seeker feature. It depends on the manufacturer though. This helps you to lock in on the target. For golf, it is a very good feature overall. When you try to golf using a hunting rangefinder that doesn’t let you switch modes, it can be quite difficult.
  2. Similarly, If you are trying to hunt using a golf rangefinder, it can be difficult to zone in on your target because of all the obstacles. Hunting rangefinders use a different technology to lock in on the target. This is because of the fact that you don’t want to run into an obstacle while hunting.

So, Can you use a hunting rangefinder for golf? Well, Yes. This will come with a fair share of drawbacks, however. Since a hunting rangefinder is made specifically for hunting and a golf rangefinder is build with golfing in mind. There are also some rangefinders that allow you to switch modes so, you can easily use it for multiple purposes.

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Buying Guide for Multipurpose Rangefinders

There are some certain things that you might want to consider while buying a multipurpose rangefinder. They’re discussed below:

Target methods: Get the one with both target and distant modes. Having a toggle that lets you switch between hunting and golfing is a huge plus point. Only then, can you use a golfing rangefinder for hunting and vice-versa.

Build: Make sure the rangefinder you’re buying comes with a sturdy build and also try to find the one with a warranty.

Size and Weight: There are many rangefinders that come at different sizes and different weights. Get the one with the size and weight factor that complements your build.

Price: The final thing to consider is the price of the rangefinder. Don’t spend much. You can get a good quality multipurpose rangefinder for a relatively cheap price.



A rangefinder is an excellent tool to estimate distance. Whether you’re trying to put a ball in a hole or looking for a sweet buck that you can kill, using a rangefinder will have a significant impact on your experience. Although you can easily use a hunting rangefinder for golfing, there can be a huge difference if you just get a golfing rangefinder. If it is absolutely necessary to use a hunting rangefinder, then yes, it’s very much doable. We do recommend a multipurpose rangefinder with a toggle. This will help you out in the long run and let you do both things at once with a minimum price.